Bega Valley Pipeline
Bega Valley Shire Council needed to secure a water source that would meet the future demands of the region and safeguard the community against the debilitating effects of drought that had been felt in recent times.
The region had been supplied by Tantawangalo Creek and Kiah Borefield but since the drought, the capacity of these sources had been severely diminished.
For the enduring sustainability of these supplies, the extraction rates needed to be reduced, which called for a solution. The decision was made to augment the existing Tantawangalo-Kiah water supply system so as to integrate Bega South Reservoir.
To make the project possible, Viadux coordinated with Bega Valley Shire Council, the NSW Department of Public Works and Mitchell Water to supply over 20 kilometers of pipe. In total, 3665 lengths of TYTON DN450 PN35 Ductile Iron Cement Lined pipe were delivered to site for the construction of this vital pipeline.
Viadux also supplied SUREFLOW high pressure fittings, gate valves and air valves required for the project.
Viadux took on a major role in assuring the performance of the pipeline by conducting its unique Century Plus II Ductile Iron pipeline installation course for the constructors followed by a comprehensive audit program to ensure that the pipeline was installed to meet the maximum design life.
Viadux’s constant consultation with the principal, designers and contractors ensured that the pipeline manufactured and supplied was able to meet the exacting requirements of the project.
Backing up its product expertise with the hands on training course and audit programme, meant that the council could achieve their goal of operational flexibility for the region’s water supply with confidence.
Bega Valley Shire Council may rest easy in the fact that one of the most tested pipeline systems in Australia will secure their water supply through drought conditions and future growth.