Buried Pipeline Structural Design


The purpose of this calculator is to enable a variety of pipes to be assessed for the suitability of their structural performance when buried in trenches or embankments in accordance with AS/NZS 2566.1: 1998 Buried Flexible Pipelines, Part 1: Structural Design.


Correct use and interpretation of this calculator is dependent upon inputs being valid and correct. While all care has been taken to ensure this calculator is correct and without errors, it is incumbent upon the user to ensure that any results obtained are correct by independently verifying:

  1. the validity of all inputs, and
  2. the results of all calculations performed.


Calculator "Input"

All of the inputs can be entered into this calculator. It performs all the calculations and design checks required by AS/NZS2566.1, and gives "YES" or "NO" responses to the five design checks in AS2566.1 indicating compliance with the Australian Standard's requirements. Cyan text in a cell indicates that an input is required. The inputs are:

  1. Site Conditions
    Values for Working Pressure, Cover Height, Trench Width, Water Table Height & Negative Pressure are inputted directly into the adjacent cells. Values for Native & Embedment Soils and Fill Material are entered by selecting them from their drop down tables.
  2. Dead Load and Live Loads
    The Superimposed Surface Load and Vehicle Distance Above Pipe is inputted directly into the adjacent cells. The Superimposed Surface Load must be a uniformly distributed load. If the surface load is a concentrated load, then the resultant distributed load needs to be determined (AS/NZS2566.1 section 4.6 (b)) before it can be entered into the calculator. For construction vehicles, the Vehicle Distance Above Pipe may be less than the Cover Height. A live load is entered by selecting the vehicle type and number of vehicles in their respective drop down tables. Selecting 2 vehicles will calculate a live load with 1.2m distance between adjacent wheels of each vehicle.
  3. Pipe details
    These are entered by selecting the pipe from the relevant drop down table A-D.